Mindfulness Wexford
Mindfulness Wexford is an educational & training resource, delivering high quality mindfulness workshops, courses, retreats & educational programs. It is a training resource for all those who want to learn the practical skills of Mindfulness and want to develop a personal mindfulness practice. It was set up by professional Mindfulness Instructor Una Keeley. Programmes are designed to introduce participants to the practice of mindfulness. Workshops are experiential with practical applications for daily life and the workplace. Participants are taught highly effective skills for de-stressing & handling life’s challenges. The MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 wk course is offered. This is the course which is recommended by Doctors & Counsellors. It is the course on which 95% of all current mindfulness research is based. Corporate Stress Reduction Training is also available for the workplace.
What is Mindfulness?
Put most simply, mindfulness is a way to train the mind, and become more present in our body. Most of the time, our minds are wandering — we’re thinking about the future, dwelling on the past, worrying, fantasizing, fretting or daydreaming. Mindfulness brings us back to the present moment, and gives us the tools we need to be less stressed, calmer and kinder to ourselves and others.
What Training is offered?
Mindfulness Wexford offers courses, day long retreats, corporate training and The MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 wk course (the Internationally recognised Gold Standard of mindfulness training.) The MBSR Course is now offered LIVE online for adults and professionals. (CLICK HERE)
What is the MBSR 8-week course?
The Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) 8-week course uses a combination of mindfulness skills including, meditation, body awareness, mindful yoga / movement, mindful communication, awareness of emotions, and regulation of stress triggers and reactions, to assist people coping with Stress related to pain, anxiety, overwhelm, burnout and a range of life issues. It’s a specific 8-week program that focuses upon the progressive acquisition of mindful awareness through meditation and body exercises.
Courses Now Taking Bookings
Click on Images below for more Information and to Book your place
Who is Una?
Una Keeley is a professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor. She is the founder and owner of Mindfulness Wexford, Training Adults, (Including Executives, Managers & Staff) to De-Stress with Mindfulness Stress Reduction Skills. Una is a HSE approved Mindfulness Instructor, training HSE staff in mindfulness. (Irish Health Services Executive). She offers Courses & Workshops to the general public and the corporate sector.
Una has been practicing meditation for 25 years. She is a professional member of The Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland (MTAI) and adheres to The Irish Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses. Una is a trained MBSR Mindfulness Instructor with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches, IMA Germany.
In 2021 the National Concert Hall of Ireland, specially commissioned Una to create a New Mindfulness & Music Listening Track . This is a Deep Listening collaborative work with Musician/composer Nick Roth.
Una is also a professional Artist with a Masters in Art Education. She has designed educational programmes for arts organisations and institutions for over 25 years. Including 15 years with The Irish Museum of Modern Art. Her background includes a Masters in Art Education, an Honors Degree in ceramics, and a Diploma in illustration for children’s books. Una designs and offers courses which combine Mindfulness and Creativity; exploring divergent thinking, ways of attending, poetic perception and creative response.
“The practice of Mindfulness has been the single most important skill, I have learnt, implemented and taught, in my entire adult career. There is nothing more fundamental, trans-formative and life enhancing, than the practice of Mindfulness. It underpins EVERYTHING else,”
(Una Keeley)
New Online MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8wk Course
During 2020-2021, when it was not possible to teach In-person MBSR courses, Una spent the time (3,500 hours) designing and programming an Interactive Personal Dashboard for participants taking the Gold Standard MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course). This is the first of its kind globally. She now offers the MBSR course LIVE Online. Training is now enhanced, with 24/7 access to a Personal Interactive Online MBSR Course Dashboard (Containing all course materials, Including Guided Meditations, Exercise Worksheets, over 100 Instructor Videos, Reading material, Home Practice Instructions, Weekly Log-sheets and Full Course Manual. This is the only LIVE Online MBSR Course offering this comprehensive Level of support for participants taking the MBSR course Online.
If you are interested in dong the 8wk MBSR course click the button below for more information
National Concert Hall Commissions Una Keeley to create
New Mindfulness & Music Listening Track
What Is “Take Notice”?
“Take Notice” is a new meditative listening experience. An experiment in music & mindfulness. A new 20 min listening track commissioned by the National Concert Hall of Ireland (NCA).
“In Ireland and across the world, we are living through a phase of change. Of re-emergence. Of lifting our heads above the water for our first tentative breaths, as the waves of a pandemic relax their push and pull. Where do we find ourselves now? And how might music and mindfulness help us navigate this time?” (NCH)
The winter of 2020 / 2021 the NCH approached myself and a musician with an idea: to work together and create a piece of music that explores the interplay of music and mindfulness, and how the two can work together as equal players to create an audio experience. The third equal player is you, the listener, bringing yourself to the track.
Musician/composer Nick Roth and myself embraced the challenge, working collaboratively to create a new listening piece inspired by the idea of “taking notice”.
We hope you enjoy the following piece, which includes a performance of the final movement from 13 Changes (1986) by Pauline Oliveros. We recommend using headphones and a calm space.
“We have created this “Take Notice” track, as an invitation, to consciously turn the attention towards the act of listening; awakening our innate capacity to hear and ‘take note’ of the soundscape around us. Our Attention is one of our most precious gifts. When we purposely turn our attention towards the act of listening, a myriad of sonic qualities can begin revealing themselves to us. Sounds which were previously unheard come into greater focus, available now to be relished and savored. This track is an intimate weaving together of music, sonic sounds and the voice. It guides the listener on a deep meditative listening experience. The ear, mind, heart & body are all invited to engage in the act of listening. Collaborating with Nick was an absolute pleasure. What has emerged from this collaboration is something quite unique. I am truly grateful to the NCH for commissioning this work. May this track encourage you to Pause, Relax & Trust as you take time out of your day to Listen Mindfully & Deeply”.
Una Keeley
*For the High Fidelity version of Track listen on SoudCloud
“In truth, music is neither sound nor silence, but the act of listening itself. The world that we are making today however, now threatens to stop listening to us. Projects such as this propose that music, a sensitivity to deep pattern in the world, offers us a hope of participating in an evolution that includes ourselves. When I first received the invitation from the NCH to create this piece, I immediately thought of Pauline Oliveros’ pioneering work in the field of Deep Listening and felt it apt that the listening experience should culminate with a performance of one of her scores. Flautist Claire Chase, for whom Pauline was an incredibly important mentor figure, recommended 13 Changes, and the final movement leapt out from the page: ‘Directionless motion— Unquiet stillness—A moment alone with millions of people—Calming the waters—The aura of a blackbird.’ Working with Una and the NCH on this project was an absolute joy throughout, and I very much hope that this short meditation offers you a brief moment of calm, and a glimpse into the inner riches that are always waiting for us to take the time to notice them.”
Nick Roth
*For the High Fidelity version of Track listen on SoudCloud
Una Keeley – Mindfulness Wexford. www.mindfulnessandcreativity.ie
Una is a registered member of the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland, the professional body representing qualified teachers of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Ireland.
Nick Roth – Musician/Composer. www.nickrothmusic.com
For more information on Pauline Oliveros and her work in Deep Listening ®, please visit www.paulineoliveros.us and www.deeplistening.org