Corporate Introductory Mindfulness Workshop with Mindfulness Instructor Una Keeley
This Introductory workshop covers the Nuts and Bolts of Mindfulness. It gives your staff a clear understanding of what it is, why it is worth doing and how to begin practicing it.
Topics covered:
- What exactly is Mindfulness?
- Why are so many people talking about it?
- What does it actually mean to practice it?
- What are the benefits of practicing?
- Guided meditation exercises offering direct experience of practicing.
Duration: 1hr 30mins / 2hrs
Venue: On Site if space permitting
No of Staff: Between 7-16
Please ring to discuss the practicalities and logistics of offering Mindfulness training for your staff in your premises.
Phone: 0879819821
6 week skills Training Courses are available on site in the workplace (See Below)
About Una Keeley
Una Keeley is a professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor. She is the founder and owner of Mindful Create. Training Executives, Managers & Staff to De-Stress with Mindfulness Stress Reduction Skills. Una is a HSE approved Mindfulness Instructor, training HSE staff in mindfulness. (Irish Health Services Executive). She offers Courses & Workshops to the general public and the corporate sector.
Una has been practicing meditation for 25 years. She Adheres to The Irish Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses. Una is a trained MBSR Mindfulness Instructor with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches, IMA Germany.