This very moment and this moment and this moment. Life cannot be lived outside this moment. It unfolds, moment by moment by moment, inviting us to Wake Up. This is why returning the attention back to the present moment again and again and again is so vitally important for living fully.
All our minds become preoccupied so easily. We become preoccupied and lost in thoughts, memories, fantasies, anticipations, imaginings, internal arguments, dialogues wrapped around internal criticisms & judgements. We become lost in a maze of our thoughts, unaware of what is happening.
Mindfulness is a practice which helps us Wake Up again and again and again to the FRESHNESS of this pristine moment, here NOW, inorder to live it fully.

The senses are one of the doorways to the present moment. Next time you notice your mind is preoccupied and absorbed, take one Deep breath and return the attention to one of the senses. For example (Touch). Begin to sense the clothes touching your skin, the air against the back of your hands, your feet touching the inside of your shoes. Practice staying with this direct felt experience, and breathing with this Awareness. Each time your thinking mind begins to wander, return again to the direct felt experience of this touch, and breathe with it.
See how long you can stay with this practice. (Seconds?… Minutes?…)
Try it and see how you get on 


(Professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor)
Mindfulness Meditations can be found here, if you want to try practicing